Changing the narrative of our work – continuing the conversation

VODG and its members are constructively challenging the narrative of voluntary sector provision. Despite the glaring hole in social care budgets leaving people’s services underfunded and fragile we are continuing to advocate vigorously for a budget that leads to sustainable growth and policy that truly enables people to access preventative services and good support for them today.

And yet, we need to do more. There is a story to be crafted about possibility – one that is based on the resources of strengths and talents rather than on the deficits of ‘inadequacy’ and disappointment. Our event with Dr Nan Carle Beauregard will seek to rebuild the narrative about our leadership. We are seeking to identify a set of bold steps that will move us away from problem-based thinking and toward the positive possibilities that are waiting to be unleashed. We will consider fresh and powerful questions that lead us to new ways of transforming our work and inspiring us towards action and impact. We will reflect on and explore the kind of leadership that sustains our best human qualities. What do we want to create together that makes a real difference?

This seminar is for VODG member chief executives and executive directors, operational and inclusion specialists and those individuals that create change.

The event is being held on 5 December between 10.30 and 13.30 (with lunch). Registration for VODG members is open via this link.

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