Want to protect the planet and people? Check out our new resources for guidance

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Creating a Better Wales for Future Generations!

WCVA has produced a suite of factsheets and an animation, to help groups and organisations in the third sector maximise their contributions towards the achievement of the goals of the Well-being of Future Generations Act.

There is a factsheet and animated explanation for each of the 7 goals which gives information about why the goals are important, how the third sector contributes and what we can do maximise our contributions. There are also statistics for reference and links to useful resources and support services.

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Doing Your Bit for a Resilient Wales!

There is no doubt that most of us would prefer a workplace with more greenery and a chance to enjoy some space for nature, but how can this be achieved?

There are simple, cost-effective steps that you can take to do your bit for a Resilient Wales which will also save money, improve staff and volunteer morale and contribute to healthier and vibrant communities. Environet’s toolkit and new animation explores the power of nature to deliver well-being in the workplace.

We would like to promote these useful resources far and wide so please feel free to share them with as many people as you can! We’d also love to hear any feedback you may have to help us identify what the sector needs to best equip it to work towards the goals and shout about what we’re doing – environet@wcva.org.uk

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