Welsh Government – Well-being of Wales 2017-18 Report

Background into ‘Well-being of Future Generations
(Wales) Act’

‘Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act
‘ is
about improving the social, economic, environmental and cultural
well-being of Wales. The Act will make the public bodies listed in
the Act think more about the long term, work better with people and
communities and each other, look to prevent problems and take a
more joined-up approach. The new law will mean that, for the first
time, public bodies listed in the Act must do what they do in a
sustainable way.

In order to create a more sustainable Wales, public bodies must
work towards seven Well-being Goals and enact the five Ways of
Working listed below:

7 goals EThe 5 Ways Of Working Image

The Welsh Government has also published a set of 
46 National Indicators
 to help measure progress
towards achieving these Goals. At the start of each financial year
Ministers must publish an annual progress report setting out the
progress made over the last year. The Well-being of Future
Generations (Wales) Act requires Welsh Government to produce
updates on the progress being made in Wales towards the 7
well-being goals by measuring against 46 national indicators.

For more information about the Act check out our ‘Well-being of
Future Generations (Wales) Act’ web-pages;
‘All you need to know’


‘Third Sector Resources’ 

The progress of the ‘Well-being of Wales 2017-18’

The annual 
 provides an update on progress being made
in Wales towards the achievement of the 7 well-being goals by using
the 46 national indicators and other relevant information. (More
detailed analysis of the national indicators is available
throughout routine statistical publications found on
the Welsh
Government website
and StatsWales.)
The report can also be used to consider Wales’ contribution towards
United Nations’ Sustainable Development
 which seek to address urgent global
challenges. It is not a report about the performance of any
organisation, but the collective changes we are seeing in
Wales. The report was first launched in September 2018.

Well -being Of Wales Report Image 18

The report itself is available to 
download as a PDF
 but the 
‘Well-being of Wales’
 web-page also contains
resources for further reading; including background information,
links to other key documents (such as how Wales’ Well-being Goals
tie into the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals), and more detailed
breakdowns of the indicators data analysed. Welsh Government will
be looking to develop more ways of using the report and further
content as trends are pulled out from the 
National Survey

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