
How to solve the sustainable food puzzle

The ability to provide and use food sustainably is essential to our future prosperity. There is a complex landscape to navigate – to identify the many stakeholders, and engage them in the activities that will:

  • Limit the impact on climate change of food production and consumption
  • Support healthy ecosystems
  • Maximise production for a growing population
  • Eradicate food waste

This can be best seen as a jigsaw puzzle of distinct and interlocking policies, projects, and stakeholders, all with individual goals, needs, resources, risks and opportunities.

This event will bring together stakeholders including: experts, businesses, academics, NGOs – to explore the puzzle, find ways to solve the different pieces of the puzzle (or promote best practice that is already working), and agree a way forward.

The different topics for each part of the puzzle will be set by the stakeholders themselves, and will include:

  • Reducing carbon in the food value chain
  • Finding a metric for soil health
  • Engaging agricultural suppliers
  • Consumer food waste
  • Tackling waste from farm gate to plate/shelf
  • Sustainable agriculture for profitable production
  • Reducing food miles and/or their impact
  • Sustainable food for sustainable society

Every part of this puzzle will have the overlying challenges and opportunities of Brexit to consider.

  • Delegates will sign up to tackle the pieces of the puzzle that are important to them. BITC will appoint a leader for each piece of the puzzle who will help shape each session.
  • The format suitable for each will vary from roundtable discussions, sharing best practice, lectures from experts, debate, inspirational key note speaker.
  • A plenary session will bring together the pieces of the puzzle with an opportunity for brief feedback.
  • Following the event a plan will be created showing the progress expected over time.

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