
Spotlight UK’s experience of strategic review

Spotlight UK’s experience of strategic review

January 2018

Michaela Riley, CEO/Chairman for Spotlight UK


Michaela Riley, Founder, Chairman, CEO of Spotlight UK, shares her experience of bringing in IVAR to lead a ‘strategic review’.

What does strategy mean to you?

Taking a step back and looking at where you are really heading, then planning the steps you need to take to get there.

Why did you decide to have a strategic review?

To ensure we were not just treading water and being reactive. We wanted to take a proper look at the work we wanted to be undertaking to ensure our team was set up correctly and aware of the way we had to go to achieve our goal.

What changed in your organisation as a result?

We restructured the management structure and shared out the workload slightly differently.

What advice would you have for another voluntary sector leader about to embark on a strategic review?

It is an excellent idea, as it gives you confidence that you are heading in the right direction and set up correctly to achieve your goals.

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