
Sustainable funding round-up: October 2017

How to share your evaluation findings with funders and donors

There’s some new guidance on NCVO Knowhow Nonprofit on what you can do with the results of your impact and outcomes measurement, including a how-to guide on writing an evaluation report and a new guide on sharing your evaluation findings with funders and donors. These resources have been produced under Inspiring Impact, a UK-wide collaborative programme to support impact practice in the voluntary sector.

Fundraising Regulator opens consultation on data protection

The Fundraising Regulator has announced the opening of a consultation on data protection within the Code of Fundraising Practice. Aims of the consultation include to update the Code to mirror the upcoming GDPR legislation, and to make the Code as clear as possible about fundraiser’s duties in relation to data protection.

Institute of Fundraising offers public fundraising certification programme

The IoF has developed the UK’s first Public Fundraising Certification Programme, covering both charities with ‘in-house’ teams and fundraising agencies conducting public fundraising.

Around the fundraising blogs

Other fundraising and sustainability news

Blackbaud completes takeover of JustGiving

The US-based software company Blackbaud has completed its takeover of fundraising platform JustGiving, it was announced in early October.

The Fundraising Regulator is now registering third party fundraisers

The Fundraising Regulator has opened up registration to commercial fundraising businesses, Commercial Participators and Community Interest Companies (CICs). Those encouraged to sign up include agencies offering telemarketing or face-to-face fundraising services, direct marketing agencies, online donation sites and fundraising platforms and payroll giving services.

Grant and support opportunity from DCMS and Nesta

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, and Nesta, are inviting applications for a new £4m fund, the Connected Communities Innovation Fund, which will award grants (DCMS) and non-financial support (Nesta) for social action innovations which mobilise the time and talents of volunteers across England.

To access more information and news on the latest funds from around the sector subscribe to NCVO’s Funding Central. Funding Central has also been sharing stories and advice from successful grant fundraisers to inspire your work.

Read some tips from organisations who have recently found funding:

Localgiving opens 2017 Magic Little Grants scheme

Localgiving has made its first funding round for its 2017 Magic Little Grants scheme by giving £35,000 to 72 local charities and community groups across the UK.

How the budget could support charities

In partnership with ACEVO and UK Community Foundations (UKCF), NCVO has written to the Chancellor ahead of his Autumn Budget with two proposals that will enable charities and volunteers to help vulnerable people find work, and strengthen local grantmaking.

Summit held with fundraising platforms on transparency in online giving

The Charity Commission and the Fundraising Regulator met recently with chief executives and senior representatives from 14 of the UK’s fundraising platforms with the aim of improving transparency around online giving.

Last chance for old pound coin fundraising opportunity

The old pound coin goes out of circulation on 15 October, see Mary Strickson’s blog post for tips on fundraising using the old pound coin.

NHS England community grants

NHS England will be awarding grants of up to £2,000 to a number of projects that showcase good practice around patient and citizen participation in healthcare. The closing date for applications is 31 October.

Training and events

Go to the training and events section of our website to see all our upcoming events. Highlights include:

You can always contact us about training or consultancy support.

If you have anything you think we should include in next month’s round-up, please do drop me a line.

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