Why regulation matters for Welsh fundraisers

Supporting voluntary fundraising regulation by registering with the Fundraising Regulator means Welsh charities can increase public trust in fundraising and grow their fundraising potential.

The ability of Welsh charities to fundraise is vital to mitigating the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, but it is essential that it is carried out in a way that is legal, honest, open and respectful.

This is the core aim of the Fundraising Regulator, which exists to drive public trust in fundraising, protect donors and support the vital work of fundraisers. The Fundraising Regulator does this by standing up for best practice in fundraising, to create and sustain a positive donor experience, which in turn drives public confidence in donating.

The regulator is funded by an annual Fundraising Levy. Organisations in England, Wales and Northern Ireland that spend more than £100,000 on fundraising activities per year are eligible to contribute to the levy. It is important that all eligible organisations pay their fair share of the levy, as it funds the work the regulator does to increase public trust in fundraising and ensures that the fundraising standards in the Code of Fundraising Practice are met.

Although it’s clear charities are currently facing financial challenges, it is essential that fundraising activities remain effectively regulated, to protect donors and the reputation of fundraising organisations across Wales and the wider fundraising sector.

By standing up for best practice, we can protect public trust in fundraising that we have collectively worked so hard to build, which will drive confidence in donating, now and into the future.

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