Could you help vulnerable young people at risk of digital exclusion?

not without me

Young people are not digital natives. Those who are vulnerable, particularly those at points of transition in their life (unemployed, homeless, in care, in secure accommodation, excluded from mainstream education, seeking asylum) are most at risk of slipping through the net and falling outside the digital mainstream.

#NotWithoutMe supports the development of new and engaging digital inclusion projects, working specifically with vulnerable young people aged 11-25 to develop their basic digital skills, resilience, confidence, access and critical understanding. Carnegie UK Trust is now looking to support the development of a further three projects through their first digital inclusion accelerator.

Successful applicants will receive:

  1. The chance to be part of a six-month accelerator of support workshops, project and staff development opportunities. The Trust will fund the full travel costs for up to two staff members to attend.
  2. £3,000 funding to assist with designing and refining your project idea. (This funding is unrestricted, though must clearly be used for the development of a specific project. It is expected that given the developmental nature of the #NotWithoutMe Accelerator, the funding will predominantly be used to cover staff time. You are not expected to use the funding to deliver the project.)
  3. Networking with participants, mentors and sector stakeholders.
  4. Opportunity to pitch for up to £40,000 further funding and a year’s support after the completion of the #NotWithoutMe Accelerator.
  5. Social media promotion for your project and work.
  6. Evaluation to identify successes, challenges and how to take your project forward.

Find out more and apply at the Carnegie UK Trust website. The deadline for applications is 5pm on Monday 30 April 2018.

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