New Online Resource to support the Trustee Recruitment Cycle

This free online resource supports boards to recruit trustees in an effective and inclusive way.

The Trustee Recruitment Cycle has been developed by Reach Volunteering in collaboration with Association of Chairs, Small Charities Coalition and Getting on Board.

Trustees play an essential role for the charities they lead, setting the strategic direction, making key decisions and ensuring accountability. To do this well, trustees need to have a broad range of experiences, perspectives and skills, and they need to be representative of the communities they serve.

Despite this, over 70% of boards still recruit their trustees informally, using their own networks. As a result, boards lack diversity. Trustees are disproportionately male (64%), white (92%), older (on average, over 60) and more affluent (75% have household income over national median). They also often lack skills in key areas such as digital and marketing.

Good, inclusive trustee recruitment is a big part of the answer. Partly because it is how boards strengthen representation and increase their range of skills. But also because it can be a powerful trigger for a board to consider wider questions. Who should be leading their organisation? Who is missing? What needs to change so that new and different trustees can participate on an equal footing?

The Trustee Recruitment Cycle includes guidance on six stages:

  • Reflect
  • Prepare
  • Advertise
  • Shortlist and interview
  • Appoint and induct
  • Evaluate

This resource is available in English only.

We hope that trustee boards and management committees will find this a useful resource to support better trustee recruitment.

The Young Trustees Movement has produced a checklist for recruiting young trustees which can be downloaded from the website with an email registration.

You can find other resources to support trustee recruitment on the Third Sector Support Wales Knowledge Hub.

The post New Online Resource to support the Trustee Recruitment Cycle appeared first on WCVA.

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