New Resource – “Recording the Natural World” Toolkit

Why record sightings of the natural world?

In order to protect vulnerable species of plants and animals,
conservationists need to know what is present, where it is, how
many of each species there are, when they are around, and whether
this has changed year on year. This information can help build a
picture of which species are thriving and which are being depleted,
and under what conditions. Conservationists can then determine from
emerging patterns what is going wrong in an area and how to help
species to recover.

Recording the natural world is also beneficial for the people
taking part as identifying species can provide mental stimulation;
getting outdoors and searching for species can improve physical
health; and taking part in group surveys can help to build
relationships and tackle social isolation. By taking part in
surveys you can also feel part of a longstanding tradition within
the UK going back to the 18thC of exploring and recording the
natural world.

Find out more from our webpage.

Brown +long -eared -bat2Seahorse 2Lizard2

Barn -owlHoney _beeAncient _Welsh _woodland

Dormouse 2DolphinTortoiseshell 2 200 150

How do I get involved?

There are many organisations collecting records and running
surveys that recruit for volunteers or ask for occasional
support. If you want to get involved in surveying wildlife,
plants, and habitats check out the campaigns and organisations
detailed in this 

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