Sign up for job alerts that are tailor made for you
recuit3 is dedicated to finding talented and ambitious people to work in the third sector in Wales, and help people to find jobs that make a real difference to people’s lives.
Sign up for personalised job alerts
Registering for job alerts is a proactive way of finding out when recruit3 has the perfect match for you!
This new feature lets you define your ideal sector, skills, location and salary requirements and then receive real time job alerts that match your criteria.
Once registered you will be able to setup multiple job alert profiles, manage your alerts and choose how often you want them at any time.
Brand new easy to use website
recruit3′s new website offers the full spectrum of jobs from the third sector’s huge variety of causes – from admin assistant positions, carers and fundraisers, through to senior management and beyond.
Find the role that’s right for you by searching within different third sector fields, such as mental health, animal welfare, or environmental issues, or filter your search by location, contract type and job role.
recruit3 now also gives you the option to create your own profile, save your details and skills, and upload your CV, so that when you find a job you can apply quickly and easily.
recruit3 is developed in Wales in association with WCVA and The Big Issue Cymru.
recruit3 is a bilingual service with the website and job alerts available in both English and Welsh.
Visit now and start perusing for your perfect third sector job!