Want to create a better Wales for future generations? Check out our resources for guidance

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WCVA have produced a suite of factsheets and an animation, which are now available to help groups and organisations in the third sector to think about how they can maximise their contributions towards the achievement of the goals of the Well-being of Future Generations Act.

The resources include an introduction to the Act, providing an overview of the Well-being of Future Generations Act as an innovative and practical policy; requiring public bodies underpin their work and decision making by working following five principles and in contribution to the 7 goals of the Act. They also provide information about why the Act has been developed and the role it plays in ensuring sustainable development of Wales.

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There is a factsheet and animated explaination for each of the 7 goals which gives information about why the goals are important, how the third sector contributes and what we can do maximise our contributions. There are also statistics for reference and links to useful resources and support services.

We would like to promote these useful factsheets and animation far and wide so please feel free to share them with as many people as you can! We’d also love to hear any feedback you may have to help us identify what the sector needs to best equip it to work towards the goals and shout about what we’re doing – environet@wcva.org.uk

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